The eDiary has been built for fast load speeds. We therefore recommend the use of the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari. 
Set your specific browser settings to allow mixed content and the secure website 


eDiary Help Videos are available here.            View Quick Start Guide    

1. What is the eDiary?

The eDiary is a 24/7 online HTML 5 web-based application using the latest specification server and software accessed by a user email and password.

2. What device do I need to access the eDiary?

The eDiary can be accessed using Chrome, Mozilla Firefox & Safari browsers on PC, Mac, laptop, iPad and most mobile phone devices (it is not an app)

3. Who accesses my data?

You and our in-house support team are the only people that can access your data profile. We have strict built-in protocols that does not allow any staff to delete data or change data, except with your permission or if your profile has been expired for 12 months. No one else can access your profile unless you leave your eDiary open on your laptop or you give your email address and password to a third party.

4. If I lose internet connectivity how can I access my data?

In the event that you lose internet connection or the server goes down, we recommend you extract a spreadsheet copy of your data using the Export function in My Profile or alternatively you use the Offline facility (Windows users only) to view your lesson plans.

5. Is the eDiary secure?

The Teacher eDiary is now cloud based and stored on hybrid dedicated Australian servers using SSL 256 bit high-grade encryption with daily data backups.


1. Where can I locate a detailed instruction manual for the eDiary?

An instruction manual for each Teacher, Student and School User is available as a PDF indexed document in the eDiary Help files and in the help screens accessed using the ‘?’ icon or by clicking here:


1. I have subscribed to the eDiary but have not received a ‘CONFIRMED EMAIL’.

Upon subscription you will receive a confirmation email which requires you to CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT to complete the registration process. It will appear as illustrated below. Click on the BLUE button (red arrow) which will take you to the log in screen.

If your email blocks the blue button, click on any of the other two links (red arrows) which will take you to the same screen. Then, once in the login screen, enter your email username and password and this will allow you to log in.

If you do not receive any emails, don’t worry. It’s likely the email has been blocked by your email security settings. Please contact us immediately and we will re-register you manually and/or modify your user details.

2. When I subscribe to a full subscription, I receive the message; 'INVALID EMAIL ADDRESS/EMAIL CURRENTLY IN USE'

Once a user email address is in use (for example, in your trial subscription) our system, for security reasons, will NOT allow a duplicate email address to be created. To solve this you can either:

  • Subscribe by logging into your trial version and automatically upgrading the subscription when you receive the ‘Your Subscription is about to Expire’ warning,
  • Call us and we will delete your old subscription (or user email address) for you,
  • Alter the email address for your Trial Subscription in the My Profile menu
  • Use another email address when subscribing
3. Upon login I receive an ‘INVALID USERNAME OR PASSWORD’ message.

The eDiary login is case sensitive. Make sure that your username (ie email address) and password are spelt correctly. Check your registered email address and try again.

4. Every time I start the eDiary I need to enter my username details and password again.

Make sure that you tick the box on the blue login screen which will remember your user details.


1. When I try to enter dates in boxes I can't, there are no pop-up calendars visible.

New versions of browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Safari or Windows Explorer can block mixed content like pop-up calendars by default and automatically prevent the content from loading. You'll see a shield icon appearing in the address bar. However, you can choose to override the alert for the page by clicking 'Load Unsafe Script' or 'Disable Protection' as illustrated below. For Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari users, click on the shield in the address bar to enable the pop-up. For Windows Explorer users, ensure the settings enable you to ‘display mixed content’. Click on Tools, Internet Options, Security, Custom Level. Scroll down the list to Display Mixed Content. Select Enable, then OK. Close all browser windows and then open again and the new settings will take effect.

You can also allow automatic pop-ups from the eDiary website:

  1. Open Internet Explorer and then click the Tools button, point to Pop-up Blocker, and then click Pop-up Blocker Settings.
  2. In the Address of website to allow box, type the address of the eDiary, www.ediaryschool.com.au and then click Add.


1. What should my system and browser settings be?

JavaScript and Java: Some of the eDiary functions can only be viewed if JavaScript is activated in your browser settings. Cookies: Cookies are used in certain sections of the eDiary website to provide you with personalised content. Website areas that are password protected can only be accessed if cookies are activated. Recommended web browsers: The eDiary is designed for use with the most commonly used browsers and your browser performance could differ depending on the browser version used. For best results we recommend the use of the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari and where possible, additional plug-ins. Set your specific browser settings to allow content and download browsers and plug-ins for free use by clicking on the links provided below:

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer you can use the "Windows Update" function located in the "Tools" menu to update your browser.

Microsoft Internet Explorer The latest Microsoft browser version with additional plug-ins

Mozilla Firefox Browser Download the latest browser

Apple Safari Browser Download the latest browser version for Macintosh computers

Adobe Reader Read software that allows you to view and print PDF files

Apple QuickTime Player The browser plug-in from Apple for videos



Timetable Setup Video 


1. When I try to set up my timetable in 'Create Timetable', I cannot see any timetable boxes. Why?

The eDiary is pre-loaded with default Timetable Settings for Terms 1-4 based on the home state you entered during sign-up plus it is set to 6 teaching and 4 non-teaching periods with a 10 day cycle. These settings can be changed and customised to suit your specific requirements. If your eDiary did not receive these default settings upon first login, you'll need to create 'Timetable Settings' for 2016 (or 2017). Just go back to 'Timetable Settings' (Step 1) or 'Change Settings' and add term dates for 2016 (or 2017). You can then go back to 'Create/Modify Timetable' and filter the date to 2016, and a blank 2016 timetable structure will appear.

2. When I try to set up my timetable there are no pop-up calendars visible and I cannot add any dates.

Make sure that you are using the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Chrome or Safari Internet browsers. For WE10 users, ensure the settings enable you to ‘display mixed content’. Click on Tools, Internet Options, Security, Custom Level. Scroll down the list to Display Mixed Content. Select Enable, then OK

3. My timetable starts on the wrong day, it is out of sync.

When you create your ‘Timetable Settings’ ensure that it starts with the Term/Semester on a Monday and the CYCLE DAY is set to ‘1’, if it’s a Tuesday, to ‘2’ etc.

4. When I open my DAILY PLANNER screen, I cannot see any teaching days

Make sure that you SAVE (SUBMIT) your Timetable Settings before you attempt to CREATE YOUR TIMETABLE.

5. When I try and CREATE MY TIMETABLE, the screen takes a long time to load.

The loading and saving process could take longer if you have a poor connection or the timetable created has a lot of periods and non-teaching periods. Be patient, there is nothing wrong, the timetable is loading. The process will be faster with higher download speeds over 65 mbps. With iPad users, normally setting up the timetable on the iPad can be slow and you will not be able to use the drag and drop feature. We suggest you set it up on a MAC or PC first.

6. I have a Homeroom and I want to mark attendance but it is not a teaching period.

You can only mark attendance if the period is allocated as a ‘TEACHING PERIOD’.

7. I have inserted my periods and bell times but it doesn’t copy them to all other days in the timetable.

Use the drag and drop feature in Create/Modify Timetable to copy periods and bell times to other days.

8. I try and PREVIEW my timetable using the PDF but the preview shows me the wrong data.

You may be viewing the wrong term, use the drop down menu to select the term you require.

9. I do not understand what is meant by ‘TEACHING’ and ‘NON-TEACHING ACTIVITIES’.

‘Teaching’ means any class where you would normally teach and assess students. This includes ‘Free Periods’. ‘Non-Teaching’ means any activity outside of normal class time such as recess, lunch, sport, meetings, homeroom etc. for which no students are enrolled.

10. I have several FREE PERIODS in my timetable, should I leave them blank?

No, your eDiary has a default ‘FREE PERIOD’ which you can use in your timetable to fill these instances. This will allow you to add notes to a FREE PERIOD in your Daily/Weekly Planner view, especially when you are taking a replacement class or extra.

11. When I go to CREATE MY TIMETABLE, I do not see any subjects or rooms in the drop down fields.

When you create a SUBJECT/CLASS that you will teach, you need to allocate it to a TERM. For example if you teach Year 7 English B all year, you need to create this class for TERM 1. You can then copy it to TERMS 2, 3 and 4, or alternatively, when you copy your timetable from Term 1 to Term 2, this class will be automatically copied across. For a room to appear, you need to ADD ROOMS to your eDiary.

12. On a particular day of the week, we have a longer/shorter day. How do I modify the timetable to allow for this?

Go to the particular day in the timetable in ‘Create/Modify Timetable’ and use the ADD NEW ROW or DELETE (within each time block pop-up) buttons to modify the period. You can also change the bell times on any period to suit that day.

13. How long should it take to set up my timetable?

Generally for a 4 Term Year, it should take anywhere between 10-20 minutes depending upon how many periods and classes you teach. Once you have set up a few days of the timetable, you can use the Drag & Drop feature to copy like-classes from period to period. Before you create the timetable, you must first ADD YOUR SUBJECTS, ROOMS and NON-TEACHING ACTIVITIES for each term.

14. What is the Setup process for the Teacher eDiary?

Follow the 5 Steps below in the Setup menu to set up your Timetable.

15. I have created my Timetable but there are a lot of blank rows. Is this ok?

Yes, blank rows will not show up in your Daily Planner.


1. Do I need to add students?

If you are using it as a straight teaching planner, students are optional. However if you want to mark attendance or add assessment tasks, you can import your student’s names using a simple spreadsheet template within the eDiary.

2. When I try to import my list of students using a spreadsheet, their names do not appear in the STUDENT TABLE.

Make sure you use the spreadsheet shown in the Import menu of Add Student or in the eDiary Help files saved in the document; Add Students. Do not change any column headings or details. Paste your data into the columns, under the header titles. Only two columns require data; First Name, Last Name and you must re-save the spreadsheet in Excel 97-2003 format using a new name on your computer. You can add data into the other columns but make sure none of these columns have missing data or non-alphanumeric characters like; ,) > ‘ etc, or an error will result.

3. I try to upload a student photo but it does not work.

Uploaded photos need to be in JPEG format only and at 572px X 265px size.

4. When I add or import a student name, I receive a message saying the student already exists.

You will receive this message for any students with identical email addresses.


1. I have added my subjects/classes but they do not appear in the drop down fields in my timetable.

Every Subject/Class you create must have a Term allocated to it. So if you create the subject; Humanities Yr 7 Class A, for it to show up in your Term 2 timetable, it must have Term 2 allocated to it. The subject can then be copied to Terms 3 & 4 using the copy button in the Subject Edit screen.

2. I have imported my subjects/classes using a spreadsheet, but they do not appear in my SUBJECT/CLASSES TABLE and/or the drop down fields in my timetable.

Make sure you use the spreadsheet in the eDiary Help files saved in the document; Add Subjects/Classes. Do not change any column headings or details. Paste your data into the 7 columns, under the header titles; Subject Name, Year Level, Class, Year, Term, Description and Status and re-save the spreadsheet in Excel 97-2003 format using a new name on your computer. Make sure none of the columns have missing data or non-alphanumeric characters like; ,) > ‘ etc, or an error will result. The final column, Status, needs to have a ‘1’ added to make the subject active.


1. Do I need to do anything with my data at the end of the school year?

Yes. You should archive your current year’s Subjects as well as any students that have left the school. This can be completed by clicking on the ‘Archive’ icon in the Students and/or Subjects table.

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